MD485 Multidrop Interface for RS485

The MD485 is an intelligent RS-485 interface that permits a PC to address and communicate with one or more dataloggers over a line distance of up to 4000 ft.

This interface also supports datalogger-to-datalogger communications, callback from a remote datalogger, PC-to-printer communications, and CC640 digital camera-to-datalogger connections. PC400 or LoggerNet software is used to initiate and control the communications link.



  • Connects to RS-485 networks
  • Provides three interface ports: RS-485, RS-232, CS I/O
  • Uses twisted pair cable between RS-485 links
  • Supports a 4000 foot maximum cable run in a network
  • Can be used with our phone modems, Ethernet link, or spread spectrum radios
  • Can be configured to handle multiple RS-485 protocols and all CSI communication modes
  • Not compatible with MD9 networks
  • Extended temperature testing optional (-25° to +50°C Standard)


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