The CR300 & CR310 datalogger models are now available with an integrated IP cellular option making it even easier and cheaper to connect to your remote monitoring sites. By integrating a cell modem in the datalogger housing itself, it has easier setup, lower current draw and smaller size than external cellular modems currently used. Users can provide their own SIMs if they have their own company APN, or purchase one of Scottech’s with low cost data plans, and data accessible via theEnvirodata Web Displayor FTP.
The CR300 and CR310 with integrated cellular modem save money and space and can be fitted into small enclosures. This makes them an ideal solution for telemetered hydrological networks measuring rainfall, water level or quality.
Campbell Scientific accuracy and reliability
Accepts a wide range of sensors including voltage, 4-20mA, pulse, RS232 and SDI-12
Datalogger controlled output for triggering other devices such as samplers
Connect via USB
CR310 also includes an ethernet port and removable terminal panel for ease of wiring